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What is a Workation?
7 min read

What is a Workation?

Many of us spend the majority of our time at work. In fact, we spend one-third of our lives doing nothing else. As a result, we may become tired and wish to be somewhere else. On top of that, we must balance our time off with that of others, carefully planning any scheduled time off well in advance. The problem is that a short vacation is often insufficient to recharge the batteries or satisfy the travel itch. So, what can be done? Well, enter the workation. This relatively new term is all about creating a good work-life balance. It’s become rather popular in recent years, so let’s take a look at exactly what it entails.

Workations — what are they?

Sometimes also known as a woliday or workoliday, this portmanteau is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a combination of working but on holiday or vacation. Instead of working from your usual home, you do your work but on holiday. Simply put, you work in the place that would normally be your holiday destination.

By opting to do this, you can work in a fresh location. Then, once you’ve completed your work hours, you’re free to go and explore the area you’re in. It’s often considered a far better way to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. All you’re really doing is taking a break from your usual workplace but just not the specific work itself.

You can hit targets while lounging on the beach, send emails when by the pool and so on.

How is a workation different from a digital nomad?

Okay, so these two areas are actually quite similar. Both of them involve working and travelling. But, here is a difference. And the main one being a digital nomad is always on the move. They have no fixed location for an office and don’t tend to work in the same company structure or environment. Instead, digital nomads are primarily travelling the world, but they’re using their ability to work remotely as a way of funding this travelling lifestyle. This style of working is far more adventurous, with digital nomads living out of suitcases and moving regularly. Typically, they’re also self-employed.

A workaction on the other hand, is definitely more temporary. It’s more of a short stint enabling workers to get out of the office for a bit of a refresh before returning. Essentially, it’s the best way to get a break from the everyday drudgery of office life. It enables workers to enjoy remote working, while not actually being fully committed to it as a way of life. As such, it provides flexibility and freedom, but still with a bit of a safety net should you find it’s not for you.

Types of workation

There are a number of different types of workations out there. So, if you’re thinking about it, here are some of the ways you can do it.

  • Long-term — if you really want to give this lifestyle a go, this is the option for you. You’ll usually be gone for a few months. And, it’s more like flying off to Paris and relocating your office there for a while.
  • Medium-term — usually this option lasts for a few weeks or a month. This way you can enjoy a change of scene, say you head off to Brisbane Airport, it’s then a change of scene without having to commit if you don’t actually like it.
  • Short-term — usually three days to a week, this is a very quick interlude in your day-to-day life. You will still be very much immersed in work, but able to have a change of scenery and some different activities to wind down with in the evening or weekend before returning refreshed.
Why workations are popular

Why workations are popular

Remote work is already a huge thing, blossoming in recent years. With the pandemic still fresh in many workers’ and company’s minds, it’s remained at the forefront of the work environment. And, this has been to the benefit of workers as companies and businesses have changed their minds regarding the way they view remote or hybrid working.

As such, with more and more companies offering hybrid or remote working, it comes as no surprise to learn that this includes workations. If you’re feeling stale or worn down by work, it could be a good time to raise the idea of a workation with your boss. In this day and age, it’s more likely to actually happen, and it’s a benefit to all.